make sure to do a hard refresh (ctrl+f5) if it's been a while or things seem broken!

W e l c o m e !

Welcome to! Feel free to take a look around!

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2025-02-01 // v1.80b


2025-01-01 // v1.80a

Implusive decision to add Writings bc why not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2024-12-30 // v1.62

wishing you a very silly 2025!!! no update just wanted to say that!

2024-12-26 // v1.61

im sorry folks christmas is over. no more jolly seasons until 2025.

2024-12-17 // v1.60

CHRISTMAS>!!?!?!! IT"S TIME TO CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as a very special present, you get the most broken dark mode ever.

on another note, i'm working on v2 of the site, so that's why updates slowed, sorry bout that!!!!!!

2024-09-10 // v1.52

welcome back counter (real)

2024-07-31 // v1.50

OH GOSH ITS BEEN 5½ MONTHS. I am so sorry! Anyways, a lot of changes are here! A new about page and guestbook have been added, along with a makeover for the projects page. There are also some cool™ new features implemented like a counter and a Q&A page. I hope you'll enjoy this update! And hopefully, the next update won't take so long!

2024-02-12 // v1.13

Favicons (that I forgot???) are now here.

2024-02-04 // v1.12

Some backend stuff to make updating this website a bit easier, and other minor changes.

2024-02-25 // v1.11

The fonts are now self-hosted instead of relying on the user.

2024-01-19 // v1.10

Updated stylesheets to be something a bit less barebone. Also moved some pages around.

2024-01-18 // v1.00

The first time this site went online (in its current form).

Questions? Contact webmasterA character commonly used between usernames and domain names in email